Monday, July 6, 2015

New hearing aids

 Cicily just upgraded to the latest hearing aid model - the Baha 5.  Can you tell she likes it!?!  In the previous post we had the pic of her holding my phone up to her hearing aid to listen to music.  With the Baha 5 she can stream it straight into her hearing aid!!!  It's bluetooth compatible and I have an app to control it on my phone.  She's been LOVING music and now she can listen to it with great sound quality anytime!  I even turned on some kids hymns while she was in church on Sunday and she got a good laugh out of it.
There's also a microphone feature.  I can push a link on my phone and speak into it and it streams straight to her hearing aids.  Cicily and her sisters have been playing around with this one!  Maya or Sophie will go into another room and say a secret word into the phone and then come back in and ask Cicily what the secret word is.  At church I stood outside her class and talked to her.  Lots of fun times being had with these new hearing aids!


Camille Hammond said...

Wow! Technology is amazing. I had just started looking into getting Emily the Baja before she passed away. This one sounds so great! I'm glad she can get some joy in it!

Ondria D said...

Speaking to her while she's in class?!? Brilliant!! :)

mashby said...

Wow, that is amazing!! Gotta see those in action soon! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

What another great adventure for Cicily! I really enjoy seeing the smile on her face in the photos you shared. It is great to see that she just got to upgrade her hearing aids. It is truly amazing to see how technology has improved over time and how it can make someone's day just that much better and put a smile on their face.

Ruby Goodman @ Centre Audiology