Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Perfect Palate!

I'm not sure that it's "perfect", but it sounded good for a title. Cicily's palate is healing beautifully. She still has stitches dangling down all over, but no holes! We saw Dr. S yesterday and she said it looks great and she should be past the point of developing any fistulas (little holes). So, the surgery obviously went perfectly, and honestly it's all been much better than I ever hoped for. I have to say, Cicily and our family have been blessed with a lot of best case scenarios lately. Cis has to go through a lot of crap, but she is certainly blessed a lot along the way.
One HUGE benefit of having a palate is that now Cicily has normal drool!!!! No more "bubbles". We only use the "bubble cloth" (cute crocheted burp cloths) once a day or so instead of 5 times an hour! I figure she must have had nasal drainage going down into her mouth and mixing with saliva, creating thick bubbles. This benefit was not expected and it's great! The bubbles actually didn't bother me that much, but now that they're gone, it's nice to have them gone!

1 comment:

Teri said...

I am glad everything is going well with the surgeries and all. Cis deserves the best!