Sunday, January 16, 2011

I've been avoiding this - MRI results

So the week before Christmas Cicily's favorite neurologist had a heart to heart with Chris and I about Cicily's MRI. Basically it doesn't look any different. There's still no white matter, which is what we expected. The Dr. showed the MRI film to 12 or so colleagues and they all agreed you can't get less than zero! She said if we're seeing a decline in Cicily's abilities, then that's the path we should expect her life to continue taking. Cicily will most likely not live into adulthood. There are no definitives with this type of brain situation. But, the doctor felt it would likely go one of two ways. Cicily will get really sick - a bad pneumonia - and her body won't have the strength or control to heal and recover. Or, her body will slowly lose more and more function. This would mean she'd gradually lose the ability to crawl (which is somewhat happening), sign (also happening), sit, hold up her head, digest food, and so on, and ultimately breathe. As the doctor put it, she'd at some point "stop being Cicily". I hate that phrase, but want to type it instead of say it so I don't cry. I can sometimes talk about her dying in person without crying, but I hate the thought of seeing her "not be Cicily". I can't imagine her living too long without being able to smile, laugh and enjoy life with us. But, there's no way to know how long or when this would all happen.
We were expecting all of this news. Chris and I had both independently thought of aspects of Cis' funeral and what it would mean to not have her around. It still sucks to hear it and discuss it all with a doctor. It's also kind of relieving to have some sense of how Cicily's life may turn out as it's been a huge cloudy mystery since the white matter discovery 2 years ago.
I think back to how I pictured her life shortly after she was born: "By the time she's 20, you'll never know all she's gone through, she'll have a 'normal' life. It's ok if she can't talk 'on time', at least she'll still walk when she's 'supposed' to." Then when she was 3: "Well, she doesn't have white matter, but she'll just take longer to talk and walk than we expected. At least she learns as fast as other 3 year olds." Now that she's the ripe old age of 4: "She's going to die, possibly slowly and painfully. At least she smiles and sincerely enjoys life (at least - for now).


Nammie said...

Cicily is a treasure . . . and so are her parents!! I will be ever grateful for her and for you all. I have never seen anyone get so much joy from a chick being on their head.

Grandpa Norm

Staci said...

I'm so sorry Janalyn. This breaks my heart, but I also know that whatever happens you and Chris are the 2 that will be able to handle it & are blessed with the opportunity to be her parents!

No matter what, she has blessed so many lives & Cicily's smile is enjoyed by everyone!!!

St. Jeor Family said...

I am so sorry Janalyn. Reading that brought tears to my eyes and made me think of how hard that would be as a parent. You are so strong. Cicily really is a beautiful little girl.

Grubbs Familly said...

Janalyn, I love you! I love Cicily and she will always be Cicily! No heart could be purer and closer to the spirit than her's and that will NEVER change!

Bharti Sumarajan said...

Janalyn I want you to tell Cicly that I love her , even though i know that she doesn't know me. Cicly has blessed so many lives and Chris and you are such wonderful examples of Loving parents.Its a great honour to know you throgh Cicly's Blog and thank you.

Sue said...

Such a sweet post, Janalyn .... so tender for the sweet little girl who has touched all our lives. She does have an "old soul" and I've felt it many times with those big brown eyes looking up at me. You've all brought us much joy, and that little girl has been a mighty teacher. Thank you for caring for your family with such love and devotion.

Ruth said...

She might only have a short life, and I can't begin to imagine how hard that must be to face, and one day, deal with, but only 'knowing' her through this blog her love of life, her love for her family and friends, shines out like a beacon. It might only be a short life but it is, and will be, one lived in joy and love, which is more than a lot of people ever get to experience. Even if she does become 'not Cicily' inside you, and her, will still be those memories, and she will be able to receive that joy and love even if she becomes unable to express it in the way she currently does.

Lisa said...

I cant stop crying. I know we dont know eachother well but I always check on ciciley for her updates and just to see that beautiful smile she touches my soul everytime I see her pictures. I will pray for a miricale those do happen sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for this diagnosis. What a hard pill to swallow. I keep track of Cicily through her blog. I found you when I was researching a blended diet for my daughter. Thank you for sharing her/your journey on this blog. Cicily is lucky to have such loving caring parents and great sisters. God bless!

Jewelia Eagar said...

I'm glad you called yesterday. It was good to talk. This post breaks my heart, and like I said before, I just can't imagine. We should get together soon...

Heidi Ann said...

Oh Janalyn, I'm sitting here trying not to cry for you. I know to an extent exactly what you're feeling and my heart is hurting for your precious girl...and you. She's prefect and she's yours and how lucky you are to have her! I know you wouldn't trade her.

I know our girlies are different but I've had those hard talks with the drs, I've faced the ugly reality, and not that I'm a pro but I'd love to chat with you if you need someone.

Sending you love and cpeace.

Teri said...

This post made me cry. I had just recently heard from Norm and Sue the recent updates from the MRI. However, seeing you write about it and hearing about it here...makes it more real. I sure love Cicily as we all do and can't imagine not seeing that huge smile. The Lord will help you and Chris through whatever he has in store for little Cis...I know that for sure. It is going to be all good in the end...but the not knowing has got to be so hard. I Love you.

Brittany Arnett said...

J - This is the part of life that SUCKS! I'm so sorry. You're one of the strongest people I know so stay strong for Cis's sake. Then cry later. I know you two have such a strong connection - you're such a good mom. Love you lots.