Sunday, June 22, 2008

You can hurt me...but don't mess with my sister!

We went to the pediatrician for Cicily's 18 month and Maya's 4 year check up on Friday. Cicily skated with no immunizations this time. Maya, however, needed the last few shots of her young life. So she laid down on the white paper and I sat Cicily next to her head so we could hold Maya's hands. Maya started to cry as the 3 shot series began. Then I look at Cicily, who didn't even cry at all the last time she had a needle poke, and she starts crying huge tears! It was so sad. This was Cicily's sad cry with no sound and big rolling tears, not her hurt or mad cry that's more loud with fewer tears. It was kind of cute to see Cicily so sad for Maya, but I was glad it was over soon and both girls moved on to happier thoughts!


Ondriawfd said...

Okay, that bring tears to my eyes. We miss you guys.

Katy said...

That is SO sweet, it made me want to cry too!! Your girls are too cute...

Kristy said...

What sweet girls!! We love you all.