Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wish Granters cards

Cicily has been very happy to recieve more mail lately.  Her Wish Granters - Liz, Czerina, and Michael have sent her random cards over the last few weeks.  It really makes her day to get her own special card from her wish granters!  I think everyone should have someone like a wish granter in their life when things are rough.

(I love all the paper from the envelope strewn around Cis - that's how she gets her mail open!  It takes lots of time and focus to get those pieces free.)

This card came on the perfect day. Cicily was really sick (which is saying a lot for her) for a couple weeks. There were a few days in a row where we only saw one or two smiles a day. This card came on one of those days and it was good to see that little smile. Thank you! (excuse the unzipped jammies - she was hooked up to breakfast)

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