Thursday, April 5, 2012

Delight in a somersault

Last night Sophie figured out what happens if she puts her head on the ground and pushes off with her feet - a somersault!  We were all proud of her athletic prowess and cheered for her.  Then Sophie wanted "Maya's turn" and then "Daddy's turn" and they obliged with a somersault of their own.  Then it was "Cissy's turn" and daddy lifted her body and rolled her over.  After a few more minutes of somersaults I look at Cis and see her putting her head down on the carpet and painstakingly pushing along.  It's kinda how she looks when she tumbles face first so I was concerned at first.  Then she pushed enough to flip herself over onto her side.  Cicily did a somersault!!!  She laid there on her back laughing her little head off!  We all cheered and cheered for her!  Then she got up on her stomach and tried again.  She became quite proficient at her modified side somersault.  It's quite a bit of work for her - get herself on her tummy, get her legs in a frog position, get her hands in an ok spot, and then spend a bit of time trying to get her muscles to all work together to push herself over her shoulder and onto her side and back.  She was in love with this new trick she could make her body do though.  Cicily did somersaults with her sisters for quite a while last night.  We all had a blast somersaulting and cheering and laughing. 
And today I appreciate even more all the things my body can do so effortlessly.


Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

so sweet. You are such a GREAT mom. There is no doubt why Cicily was sent to you. After reading your posts I try to be a better mom and really appreciate the little things in life. Thanks for sharing :)

Sue said...

Can't wait to see these great feats! And hoping they don't request one from Grandma! Love you all!