Monday, April 28, 2008


Here's a video of Cicily signing Maya, Mom, and Dad (her three favorite, most frequent signs). She is signing like crazy all the time now. Most of her signs are in three general regions, as you can see in the video. It's just like a baby first speaking though, they might say "ba, ba, and bu" for ball, balloon, and bubble, similarly with Cicily's signs they look similar but they are gaining variation and you just have to take the sign in context as you would with a word. She's distinctly signed Maya, Mom, Dad, bye, I love you, patty cake, Grandma (her sign for Grandma DeEtte is patty cake because she always plays it with her!), eat, sleep, home, book, please, thank you, and bird. That's all I can remember anyway. She really understands a lot more signs too, and I'm sure as her fine motor skills improve, her amount of signs will increase.
Enjoy the video! Please forgive Maya for the noises in the background - we had to take a video of her next so she could have some attention too.


St. Jeor Family said...

Your girls are so cute! I am so glad that I found your blog! I had no idea that you and your family all have them. This is Rachael by the way from Utah. I hope that it is okay, but I put a link to your blog on mine.

It really has been forever since I have talked or seen you. I saw Whitneys wedding invitation at my parents and did not believe that she was old enough to get married! I remember her as the little girl with "green hair" from swimming so much. I am getting old!

Your family looks so good and it sounds like you are all doing good. That signing is so cute! Brantley signs a little, and I love it!

I am glad that we can now keep in touch with eachother.

Nammie said...

Very exciting to see Cicily connecting more and more - so cute. Getting my first big kiss was wonderful - looking forward to many more. She seems excited to learn and to be able to move around. Loved being with you guys last night!!

Melinda said...

Hi Janalyn

It's been a long time! I saw the link to your blog off of Jewelia's. Your girls seem so precious! I love the video of Maya singing to Cicily. I hope you don't mind my blog-stalking you!

Melinda (Strong) Pugh

Anonymous said...

I was doing research on blenderized diets and came across your web page. Your girls are so cute. We have an ex-23 weeker who has a g-tube and we want to do the blender diet. Where did you get all the info on how much to give Cicily each meal/how often? Our daughters have a web page too Sullivan's Travels. Thanks

Janalyn said...

Anonymous (Sullivan's Travels),
I simply follow our pediatrician's(or FDA food pyramid) recommendations for what a typical 18 month old should eat. I blend all those calories, grains, fruit, veggies, protein, etc. in our Vitamix and divide that into her 4 daily feedings. I also add water to make it blendable, but not very much (2 cups) as I don't want to stuff her tummy too full.
I found Yahoo's Blended Diet group to be super helpful for tips. If you have any more questions, you are more than welcome to email me at
Thanks for the comment!