Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mobility!! - She's a crawler!

Cicily's been crawling now for about 3 weeks. It has changed her little life. She's so much happier being mobile (not that she wasn't happy before, the girl almost always exudes happiness). It's great to have her crawl around and investigate things. Her favorite spots are our bookshelf (just like the rest of the fam!), Maya's nightlight, the magazine stack, and the phone in Mom and Dad's room. I know lots of moms think I'm crazy, but I'm honestly loving cleaning up her little messes! It's a feeling I'll try to keep in mind in the months and years ahead.

Special thanks to her physical therapist Jill for helping us get Cicily mobile!

We've also started going to a gymnastics gym with another wonderful physical therapist Jenn. Maya and Cicily both LOVE the gym! Jenn and all the fun gym equipment have been a big boost to Cicily's gross motor skills. Thanks Jenn!

Additional note: Treacher Collins Syndrome does not affect gross motor development. (Although I've talked to other parents with kids with TCS who say it's been an issue for them as well.) We haven't figured out a great explanation for why Cis is delayed in this area other than she had 2 surgeries and 2 bouts of pneumonia by the age of 6 months and was sleeping 20 hours a day on her back without moving much. Anyway, the fact that it's not usually a part of TCS has made it more difficult to deal with some days, but we're glad she's making progress and who cares after all if she grows up and can play soccer if she wants to?!


Whitney said...

That is so cute! When it was over I was thinking, "NO not yet, I want to see more of those girls." I miss you guys and it's fun to watch the videos, it's kinda like I'm there. You need to get video of her signing up here too. I would love to see that.

Whitney said...

Ok, so I checked your blog on my iphone last time. When i read the signing post I couldn't see the video. Now I saw it. Just as I suspected, so cute! Teach her a sign for Aunt Whitney too. :) Love you guys!

kellyanddanielle said...

thank you so much for posting the video. your girls are so cute. your such a good mom. love you guys.