Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Upcoming Surgery - BAHA implant (stage 1)

In taking with Cicily's craniofacial plastic surgeon (Dr. Singh) last week, we've decided to wait to have her BAHA implant done for another couple years. We are in the process of collecting opinions on the timing for this surgery. The factors in question being improved sound quality and bilateral hearing vs. cranial bone density.

We just scheduled Cicily's next surgery today. She will be having the screws placed for her BAHAs (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) on Friday Novemer 16. This surgery will be done by Dr. Fucci - a neurotologist (surgeon who specializes in ears, hearing, and skull based surgeries). He will drill into her skull behind her ears and screw in 2 titanium screws on both sides of her head. The screws are each 3 mm long. One screw on each side will be used to wear her BAHA and the other screw on each side will be a "sleeper screw", just hanging out in her skull in case something happens to the working one.
It is an outpatient surgery, so no hospital stay- yay. Hopefully they won't have to shave off too much of her beautiful carefully grown hair to place the screws. (Moms worry about strange things, I know. When your daughter's having a surgery where the surgeon is drilling into her skull mm's away from her brain, should you really be concerned with her hair??? I don't know, but I am!)
After the 4 screws are in place (2 on each side of her head), they will osseointegrate (grow into her bone) for a full year. So next year, Dr. Fucci will do another surgery - stage 2- where he will make an incision on her scalp and attach an abutment to one screw on each side. The BAHA (same hearing aid she wears now on her soft head band) will then be placed on the abutment. And voila- she has functioning directional hearing.
If you want to look at the BAHA, and read more about it, here's the company's website:

1 comment:

Heath said...

Janalyn, with words like 3mm screw, osseointegrate, and 2nd stage, you would think you are talking about dental implants! That is my kind of dialog.